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Commercial Solar Energy


Solar is a smart and strategic investment because it helps turn your energy bill into a diminishing liability and asset. Not only can solar reduce your electricity bill in the short term, it allows you to hedge some risk against rising electricity costs. Plus, a cleaner and greener business helps boost your brand position. From residential to large industrial clients, even farms and other landowners, Diversegy matches each customer with the best integrator, technology, and financing solution. . We help you maximize the federal, state and local rebates, tax-credits, grants and other incentives available, so you can maximize your ROI.

Smarter Meter

Since the advent of Smart Meter technology, Utility companies have had access to valuable data – your real-time electricity consumption patterns – and have left you in the dark. They gain complete visibility into exactly when and how you use energy, giving them the power and control to charge you more when you need energy the most, during peak usage times. A Diversegy Smarter Meter changes that. Our clients can have that same access and complete transparency into their real-time usage, just like the utilities do. With this data, you can manage, react and respond to spikes and surges in your demand in real-time. Know when it’s most optimal to run machinery in order to maximize efficiency. See the immediate impact of running heating and cooling equipment at a few degrees higher or lower throughout a workday and shift scheduled production hours to periods when electricity prices are lowest. You have the power to reduce, flatten and shift your demand based on actual consumption data!

LED Upfitting

LED Lighting: We match our clients with the best solution, installers and upfitters. With an LED strategy in place:

  • Low voltage LED lighting means 80% more energy efficient than incandescent bulbs, lasting 20X longer
  • No heat generated - use less in the summer
  • Many shapes, sizes, and colors are available to suit your business needs
  • LEDs offer better quality lighting, higher efficiency and instant brightening
  • Safer form of lighting, LEDs generate no UV emissions and contain no mercury

Solar Charging Station

Power where you need it. No unnecessary fuel or plugging into another power source. Easily assembled in 15 minutes by two people, it can move where you need it, when you need it. Or make it a permanent feature - setting you apart from your competition.

Possible Uses:

  • Wi-Fi Hotspot Capable
  • Emergency / Disaster Relief
  • Back–Up Power
  • Laptops / Tablets / Cell Phones
  • Portable Tool Battery Packs
  • Outdoor Dining / Café's
  • Promotional Booths


Commercial SolarCommercial Solar

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